Friday, November 7, 2008


Today has been an unbelievably exhausting day. I've been up since 4:30 AM, already worked 5 1/2 hours, 3 classes, statistics and a midterm essay to work on, and 4 more hours tonight training tonight. I don't think i'll make it home any sooner than 1 AM. All for the promise of $.50 - $1.00 more an hour no dispatcher has gotten yet, and may in fact be an outright lie (The cake [IE: pay raise] is a lie!)

Over summer I accepted the Financial Aid awarded to me with the intention of having moved out by now (and my Aid budgeted accordingly). However, since i'm still at home (moving out was a kinda unrealistic goal), they've retooled my awards and now I aparently owe back around 1,800 in Grants? Weak! With any luck they'll accept my appeal and at least let me keep this quarters grants(a good chance), if not all of it outright (unlikely). In any case, my savings has been totally shot because of this. Pretty lame

I'd like to take this time to give my wholehearted approval of this getting healthy/running bend everyone is on now. I'm totally on board, except by "board" I literally mean "surfboard." I'm digging the surfing and swimming at the gym thing a lot, but I'd like to get back into some actual running (not just cross-trainers and bike machines); I'm sure my stupid knee is up for the "high-impact" stuff by now.

*EDIT* On second look, I don't think the graphic is really appropriate. That arrow should be falling steeply downwards. Whatever!