Friday, December 12, 2008

Return to the blogosphere

Holy cow, its really been over a month since I last updated? I guess I've just been too busy to update? Well, no thats a lie. Busy yeah, but I've just been too lazy.

A lot has certainly gone on over this last month. I guess I should provide some closure to the cliff-hanger that was my last entry: I got my school money issue taken care of. Grants were cut, and I took out another loan, but I got to keep this quarters grants. And I'll still get about $60 a quarter after tuition, which is enough for maybe 2 textbooks! I'm just rolling in the dough. I'm also single again, which is alright. It was nice being in a relationship, but it was under pretty ridiculous circumstances, and in any case breaking up wasn't much of a surprise.

Biggest relief: Finals are over! I didn't put as much off till the very end like I have in previous quarters, but I was far less comfortable with the material I had, which made finals week just as stressful and crammed as usual when it didn't have to be.