Monday, November 16, 2009

Spring Semester

So I missed the deadline last Friday for enrollment into my bank's health insurance plan, which means that I must continue on as a full-time student to stay on my parents' insurance. Loan deferment is a perk, but my payments are not unmanageable. Insurance on the other hand, that's life or death man.

Which brings me to my problem: Should I take German 2 or retake Spanish 3?

Pros: Easy, cool to speak, useful if I go back to Germany, good teacher
Cons: Useless if I don't go back to Germany, impractical unless I study in Germany/Work in Germany/Marry a German chick/become Amish

Pros: Completely practical and useful, can actually have a meaningful conversation with my grandma
Cons: Already taken up to Spanish 3 and forgot most of it, will probably have to do a considerable amount of HW (considerable in the sense that I don't have ANY in German)

Also: podcast coming this week.

Word to yo mother

Saturday, November 14, 2009


My dad is back from Singapore, which means I have my laptop back. Oh happy days are here again.