Thursday, January 21, 2010


New year: so far so good.

Of these first 21 days of Jan, I think i've been to the gym 15 of them. Not only have I so far avoided burning myself out, i'm actually staying longer and longer each time (that is to say, i'm not as totally weak as I was at the beginning of the year). Lets see how long I can actually keep this pace up!

After a month of inactivity, we've finally managed to bottle the Red Ale (it tastes amazing so far) and started our first steeping grains batch (an American IPA, it promises to be intense). I think i've recovered enough economically to get back on the brewing wagon.

School starts next week. I guess I'm looking forward to my classes, though German II was the only one I actually wanted that I managed to get in to. That and some Polisci internship, but its one unit so it doesn't count. This should be my last JC full time semester; I should have a new job with benefits by fall with any luck, and I only need to be half-time to keep those loans deferred.

Speaking of new "jobs" i'm applying to this non-profit as an intern/volunteer, but also possibly something permanent or maybe paid? Hopefully it satisfies the internship class requirements, but beyond that the organization seems cool/young enough.

Is 2010 the year of renting a house as well? Ja?

1 comment:

Ixx said...

I've been gyming it up too! We should totally work out together when I'm back, we can keep each other motivated.